Thursday, February 5, 2015

Want to be healthy? Drink this!

Have you ever stop to think how much you need water and how important it is to your body?
Water is the most important substance your body needs to prevent dehydration and survival. It makes up more than two thirds of the human body weight, and without the substance, we would die in a matter of days.
The human brain is approximately 95% water, the man’s body 60% water, and the woman’s body 50% water.
Water is the most vital substance that is involved in the processes of our body, such as: blood, heart, muscle, brain, skin, and bone.
Water serves as a lubricant, helping chewing, swallowing and also digestion. It also lubricates joints and cartilages and allows them to move more frequently. When dehydrated, one might feel friction and cause knee and back pain.
It’s important to hydrate our bodies with water to compensate that 2-3 quarts of water is lost through urination, sweating and breathing.
Water also helps the body to remove harmful toxins by reducing constipation and ensuring the waste is removed quickly and regularly before it harms the body. Drinking lots of water will diminish the burden in the kidneys and diver by fluxing out waste.
Since water is so important to body functions, it would make sense to pay a close attention to how much and how often you are consuming it.
Water can empower health and wellness, along with regular excise and a good nutrition. Stay healthy!

A version of this was published at The Vista.

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