Sunday, February 1, 2015

It's PORTUGUÊS not Spanish!

Please, I beg you: do not assume we speak Spanish in Brazil, because we really don't!

The Official language of Brazil is Portuguese!

Brazil is the only Portuguese speaking language in the Americas, bringing a lot of pride for the beautiful and rich language.

Yes, Brazil share colonial history with Spanish and French natives, but the Portuguese influence really sets Brazil apart for the other countries.

Even though we take a lot of pride in your native language, it's mandatory to study a second language for all 12 grades of the mandatory education system (primary and secondary education, called Ensino Fundamental, and Ensino Médio). Most schools offer English and Spanish as the second language.

We also respect the sigh language and adapted as our second spoken language in Brazil. A sigh law language was passed in 2002 by the National Congress of Brazil mandating the use of Brazilian Sign Language (called LIBRAS in Portuguese) in education and government services.

The accent also varies from state to state, and we refer to it as "Portuguese dialects." The differences between Portuguese dialects are in phonology (the frequency of using certain grammatical forms, and the variation between the formal and informal levels of speech.)

With that said: Northern dialects tend to be more open with Pre-stressed vowels. The south of Brazil, however, speak with a more notable German, Italian or Polish accent. But remember, it's all one language, PORTUGUÊS!

Português, portuguese language. 

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