Monday, May 11, 2015

The Importance of a College Degree

We debate on this topic back-and-forth, but truly, how valuable is a college degree?

With the economy slowly recovering from the tremendous crash, it's understandable that having a degree can further your chances of getting the job you want, and of course, a higher salary as well.

"Data from the government proves that higher education degree completion is important for job seekers; according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2009 the unemployment rate was more than twice as high for persons without having a high school diploma than for persons with Associate's degree. The gap widens to three times in comparison to persons who hold a bachelor's degree," said Caroline Gulbrandsen reporter for Rasmussen College. 

Attending college not only broadens your mind and expands your knowledge, but also gives credibility for future jobs. Going to college for 4-5 years is a great commitment, and shows that students were committed to their major, and their classes. Companies tend to have a great respect for dedicated students that were committed to their field of work.

Networking opportunities arise in college, where students can get advise from counselors, and even recommendation letters from their professors. Believe me, professors can be extremely important helping you get your dream job. They can facilitate and find networking sources that will help you tremendously.

Even though skills are usually more relevant that degrees, having a degree will show that you have efficiency in writing, that you can discuss a valid argument, and that you can persevere when facing overloads of work, challenges, and difficulties (or having tons of finals in the same day).

If you are attending college, take advantage of everything that the school has to offer. Most colleges have great programs that will expose you a greatness of internships. They have people responsible for your future, and that work for your best.

Next time in class, pay attention to what your professor is saying, and write everything down. Once you leave college you won't be able to have such a great accessibility to books and innovation. Be smart, and focus on your future, because surely it will pay off.

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